So it's been a while since I have made a post. I have lots to say, first I needed to mention something that I should have from the get go I am not just a single mom, I'm a traveling single mom so I'm away from home a lot. It's one thing to do it alone it's another to do it alone and travel. I spend loads of time with them on the phone home work is done some time on the phone, if we don’t do it on the phone we talk about it and I try to make sure that the communication line is wide open with any and everything. I express to them that honesty and communication is a key ingredient to a successful relationship, with honesty comes trust and trust is extremely vital in a relationship. As for me I really need to be able to trust them as I need them to trust me these key ingredients seem more vital to me now than when I was home all the time.
My little Angel that is my second girl won the spelling B and was very excited as was I she is really smart I made it my duty to express to her how proud of her I’m. I am really proud of her actually I’m proud of all of my children we have had our ups and downs but to be honest I must give thanks that they are just great kids that don’t give any trouble.
Ackie went through his phase hahaha I remember he at one time was in a phase of not coming home until wee hours at night then it turned out that the care giver I had at that time and him just could not get along she was a little monstrous, he had him a bit of a weird happens at school phase as well he was always into something with some teacher or the other, he very opinionated. I told them to express themselves he really expressed himself all the time and I would say that this would get him into confrontation with people I also told them not to fear confrontation and he has very little fear of it. I must say over the yea he has grown up enough to realize that there are time to walk away and he has been doing that and I’m proud. I would tell any parent that no matter what phase your child is going through and no matter how much it makes you feel like pulling out your hair don’t give on that child your love and devotion to that child or your children will pay off.
Well up until a week ago I had a full time care giver who was my niece but she wanted to do other things I did not agree so we went our separate ways. I know! so the big question is now that she is gone what are you going to do. To my surprise my eldest son said he was more than happy to deal with his sibling well my two eldest sons Ackie and George, can you imagine they volunteered to take care of their siblings in my absence. It made me feel like crying. We are a very close family but even with that you know I was a little surprise.
I was taking to my baby to see how she was doing she said oh ma I’m great jus having fun Ackie is great, I said are you sure yeah she says. They are out on summer break and the summer is really hot so Ackie girlfriend Q got them a pool and as you would know they live in it all day. So an asked Angel how she felt with my niece being gone she said it was weird but good. I said how good well the house is always clean. I forgot to mention that my niece had three children of her own. Angel continue to say and it’s quiet, she said it’s so quiet you can’t tell that anyone is home, there are not dishes in the kitchen sink she thinks it a nice change I’m socked but happy to know that they feel better. My eldest girl Sam said she missed them but change is good. I think she is right even though most of us don’t like change, change a lot of times work out to be for the best. Sam graduated and is now heading to middle school so we had a good conversation about sex, boys, drugs and birth control. I have had the talk with her on more than one occasion but I thought it was time for us to have it again as she recently saw her monthly for the first time. I also thought it was time to refresh her memory of our conversation as she was now going to attend middle school and be around older boys, older children on a hold.
As I mentioned before and if I did not I’m from the Caribbean in the Caribbean we don’t really talk to our children regarding sex, opposite sex, birth control, a lot of he Caribbean Islands culture is that you need to get a education to make it in life so stay away from the opposite sex because that is not what I’m sending you to school for and if you get pregnant or get someone pregnant I will kill you with lick plus you need to get out of my house. Now don’t get me wrong it’s not like that is in every house hold but that is the common trait. In recent years we have become wiser as we are noticing that the children are having sex and are having the babies no matter how much we try to instill some kind of fear in them for them not to go that route. Children become more curious when you try to steer them from something they know nothing about they want to know why so they try or it just becomes more exciting to rebel and try something that mom said no to I know I got pregnant with my first child at 15. As for me fear was not what happen to me but know one spoke to me about birth control, condoms nor the true or the deep truth about unprotected sex. I knew birth control because I saw my sister with it. When I realized I was going to have se with Ackies father I started taking my sisters bills with her. I did not understand that there was a pattern in which to take the bills for it to work so I was convinced that I was protected. Little did I know? They are people from my culture hat would think that I’m wrong for talking to her now but am I.
Lets take a look a few year ago there was a pregnancy pact between 13 to 16 year old girls one of the girls mother was advocating against giving the children condoms she thought giving it to them was telling them that it’s ok to have sex now, what she was not noticing was that they were having sex any way with or without he condoms. It did not hit her until her daughter came home pregnant. I personally believe that if all of those parents were facing reality and remember when they were teenagers, they were going to try to figure it out no matter what; they made the time to have sex even if they were the pastor’s daughter or son. They were in it together the girlfriend that the parents trust will always be the escape because they are having a sleep over that is not really happening. The way I look at it let me have an open relationship with her or anyone of my children so that when they are ready to have sex they can talk to me and I can tell them how to protect themselves.
Sex is so in their faces these days we need to talk to them about it ourselves I believe, and not have other people talk to them about it, the wrong person might be the one to talk to them. I would also tell mothers to build their girls self esteem from now I tell my girls to look in the mirror every morning and tell themselves how beautiful they are. The girls with very little self esteem are the ones that are easy pres for predators.
When I started the conversation with Sam she was "ha ma we have had this conversation already" "I know" I said "but it's time for us to have it again you will be attending middle school soon and you will be around older boys". I will also have this conversation with her again a week or a day before her new school day. Parent don't be afraid to have these conversation with your children my baby Candiams told me that she knows what sex it she is 8. A few weeks ago we catch my 9 and 8 year old girls searching the internet and reading about STD's. They heard the term and knew it had something to do with sex and wanted to educate themselves. “What are you two doing” I said. “Researching STD’s “ Candiams said “What is STD?” I asked “Ma sexual transmitted diseases” says Angel. As if I was being naïve. Parents please have no fear.
My Start
Hi my name is Krista and I'm 36 years of age and I have seven (7 ) beautiful children 4 boys and 3 girl. I had my first boy when I was 16 and my second when I was 17. Yes I was young and foolish, don't get me worng I don't regret my children none of them. Then I got married at 18 that did not work so we divorced. When I was 20 I meet another man and by the time I was 21 we got married.
When we got married I had already had our first child then we got into the church well he got into the church first the months later I followed. I was working as an accounts assistant and decided I needed a college education. In the midst of having children and being a wife I went to college to get my BS in accounting plus working two jobs and being real active in the church.
When we got married I had already had our first child then we got into the church well he got into the church first the months later I followed. I was working as an accounts assistant and decided I needed a college education. In the midst of having children and being a wife I went to college to get my BS in accounting plus working two jobs and being real active in the church.
The Children
Wow my children are my pride and joy I'm so proud of them I don't think I can find the right words to express.
Ackie: he is my eldest but I do see him as my baby. Ackie was 8lbs 8oz at birthHe has a very strong personality he loves to be comforted, but in all truth who don't like comfort, we all do he just makes it very clear to all LOL. Ackie is 6'2 and weight about 250 or 270 lbs so he is not a little fellow. He loves sports, his brain is like a sponge he remembers all sports icons, when they started out where they are from and more, he's also like that with countries and their history. He wants to be a political analyst and a businessman, he's working real hard to accomplish this and I know he will.
George: he is my second born he was 5lbs, he made a very big decision from the day he was born that he did not like meat only the meat on the 2 fingers that he sucked from day he was born when the nurse was leaning him up and weighting him we heard a sucking sound there he was sucking his 2 fingers next to his thumb on his left hand. I guess u figured it out he did not like sucking he breast he wanted only that milk but not from the breast he would taste the meat of my breast in his mouth and just push it out so I started out with putting a bottle nipple over my breast till I decided to pump. George was a very quite baby never got up at night I had to time him and wake him up for feeding. George wants to be a pastry/breakfast chef and a business man, he’s 5’11 or 6’ about 180 lbs
Gio: he is my third born he was 8lbs 4oz. Gio did not like the idea of playing he would sit and watch other kids play and if he did play he would do it for a very short period then he was done. Gio did not like the playing thing till he was about 10 I know strange but that’s my Gio now he will play more than he use to but mainly if its to win not just playing for the heck of it but play to be competitive. Gio is gifted academically he’s above average but don’t like it as it means he not kool and is called a nerd but we have had some talks so know he is a kool nerd LOL he told me he wanted to study astronomy. I just tried talking to him about that and he asked me if I was crazy and where did I get that idea, that he wants to be a businessman. Gio is 6’4 about 175 lbs and we are always telling him that he is too skinny his things is that the girls love it.
Nate: he is my fourth born he was 6lbs. Nate was a twin but his twin did not make it from he was little he would talk to himself and when you ask him who he talking to he would say the little boy that looks like me or the boy when he got a little older where he was of the full understanding that he’s a twin then he would tell us he talking to his brother. My little Nate was my shocker baby he walked when he was 7 months, by the time he was 10 to 11 months he was make sentences the reason he was a shocker baby he was little like at 7 months he looked 5 months so to look 5 months and walking shocked people very often to be 10 months and look 8 months and talking would shock people so he was my shocker baby, he was short until he was about 11 then suddenly he is now almost 6’ Nate wants to be a sports figure he loves skate boarding and is good at it he said when that is over and he is too old to do it he wants to be a businessman. As for Nate he is my born businessman he is always selling trading for better to sell and always trying to figure out how to turn his lunch money into more money I think he will do business as its in his blood it seems
Sam: My fifth born but my first girl, amazing she was 5lbs 5 oz. Sam brought some excitement to the family as she was the first female birth in our family for over 20 years. Sam gave us a scare the day she got out of the hospital I had just feed her changed her diaper and was trying to put her to sleep but she started to cry hysterically had my sister, and myself just terrified I tried everything changing her diaper again, her clothing nothing worked I called the doctor and could not get her by this time I was now crying so I put her in her cot and was looked at her and then decided to get ready to take her to the hospital then she sighed and went to sleep. As of that day I learnt that once Sam is clean and her belly is full put her down she don’t want to be held. Sam has a very strong independent I know what I want kind of a personality, she wants to be a gymnastic professional and said when she is too old to do that she want to be a elementary school teacher she is 5’ 4 117lbs.
Angel: My sixth born and second girl. Angel was my miracle baby and was named Angel by the nurses at the hospital. I was 5 months pregnant and when I fractured membrane so was but to bed rest so hated that. I flat lined with her twice when I was not quite 7 months and my doctor was willing to take her but the pediatrician doctor was not will to do so until I was 7 months and 2 weeks but Angel was ready from I was 5 months pregnant when I was 7 months and 1 week she started to eat her fesses so they had to take her. Angel was only barley 3lbs but did not want to be help to breath so she never saw the inside of an incubator I forgot what its called but she was in half of one that help monitor her body temperature and was sucking she I pumped and she drank from a premi bottle by her second day. Angel is also gifted academically and finds regular classes and home work boring as they don’t challenge her enough. Angel wants to be some who worked towards saving our environment. She is 5’ and is about 110lbs
CandyAms: she is my baby she was also a premi that was ready so I had her 7 months 3 weeks she was 5lbs and ready to see the world. CandyAms is my go getter she has no fears and just thinks she can do everything. She is a natural born leader always thinks once she is in the midst she should be in charge even if she allows you to be in charge its just for a little while. She asked me recently if I think she will be a good mom like me I told her most definitely she said well I want to wait a while so I said you have a long wait you need not worry about that stuff yet she said I know but I’m just thinking a head as I was to be a professional gymnastic athlete plus a designer not to mention I want to travel for a while. My baby 4’5 and is 98lbsSo there is a bit about my babies
Ackie: he is my eldest but I do see him as my baby. Ackie was 8lbs 8oz at birthHe has a very strong personality he loves to be comforted, but in all truth who don't like comfort, we all do he just makes it very clear to all LOL. Ackie is 6'2 and weight about 250 or 270 lbs so he is not a little fellow. He loves sports, his brain is like a sponge he remembers all sports icons, when they started out where they are from and more, he's also like that with countries and their history. He wants to be a political analyst and a businessman, he's working real hard to accomplish this and I know he will.
George: he is my second born he was 5lbs, he made a very big decision from the day he was born that he did not like meat only the meat on the 2 fingers that he sucked from day he was born when the nurse was leaning him up and weighting him we heard a sucking sound there he was sucking his 2 fingers next to his thumb on his left hand. I guess u figured it out he did not like sucking he breast he wanted only that milk but not from the breast he would taste the meat of my breast in his mouth and just push it out so I started out with putting a bottle nipple over my breast till I decided to pump. George was a very quite baby never got up at night I had to time him and wake him up for feeding. George wants to be a pastry/breakfast chef and a business man, he’s 5’11 or 6’ about 180 lbs
Gio: he is my third born he was 8lbs 4oz. Gio did not like the idea of playing he would sit and watch other kids play and if he did play he would do it for a very short period then he was done. Gio did not like the playing thing till he was about 10 I know strange but that’s my Gio now he will play more than he use to but mainly if its to win not just playing for the heck of it but play to be competitive. Gio is gifted academically he’s above average but don’t like it as it means he not kool and is called a nerd but we have had some talks so know he is a kool nerd LOL he told me he wanted to study astronomy. I just tried talking to him about that and he asked me if I was crazy and where did I get that idea, that he wants to be a businessman. Gio is 6’4 about 175 lbs and we are always telling him that he is too skinny his things is that the girls love it.
Nate: he is my fourth born he was 6lbs. Nate was a twin but his twin did not make it from he was little he would talk to himself and when you ask him who he talking to he would say the little boy that looks like me or the boy when he got a little older where he was of the full understanding that he’s a twin then he would tell us he talking to his brother. My little Nate was my shocker baby he walked when he was 7 months, by the time he was 10 to 11 months he was make sentences the reason he was a shocker baby he was little like at 7 months he looked 5 months so to look 5 months and walking shocked people very often to be 10 months and look 8 months and talking would shock people so he was my shocker baby, he was short until he was about 11 then suddenly he is now almost 6’ Nate wants to be a sports figure he loves skate boarding and is good at it he said when that is over and he is too old to do it he wants to be a businessman. As for Nate he is my born businessman he is always selling trading for better to sell and always trying to figure out how to turn his lunch money into more money I think he will do business as its in his blood it seems
Sam: My fifth born but my first girl, amazing she was 5lbs 5 oz. Sam brought some excitement to the family as she was the first female birth in our family for over 20 years. Sam gave us a scare the day she got out of the hospital I had just feed her changed her diaper and was trying to put her to sleep but she started to cry hysterically had my sister, and myself just terrified I tried everything changing her diaper again, her clothing nothing worked I called the doctor and could not get her by this time I was now crying so I put her in her cot and was looked at her and then decided to get ready to take her to the hospital then she sighed and went to sleep. As of that day I learnt that once Sam is clean and her belly is full put her down she don’t want to be held. Sam has a very strong independent I know what I want kind of a personality, she wants to be a gymnastic professional and said when she is too old to do that she want to be a elementary school teacher she is 5’ 4 117lbs.
Angel: My sixth born and second girl. Angel was my miracle baby and was named Angel by the nurses at the hospital. I was 5 months pregnant and when I fractured membrane so was but to bed rest so hated that. I flat lined with her twice when I was not quite 7 months and my doctor was willing to take her but the pediatrician doctor was not will to do so until I was 7 months and 2 weeks but Angel was ready from I was 5 months pregnant when I was 7 months and 1 week she started to eat her fesses so they had to take her. Angel was only barley 3lbs but did not want to be help to breath so she never saw the inside of an incubator I forgot what its called but she was in half of one that help monitor her body temperature and was sucking she I pumped and she drank from a premi bottle by her second day. Angel is also gifted academically and finds regular classes and home work boring as they don’t challenge her enough. Angel wants to be some who worked towards saving our environment. She is 5’ and is about 110lbs
CandyAms: she is my baby she was also a premi that was ready so I had her 7 months 3 weeks she was 5lbs and ready to see the world. CandyAms is my go getter she has no fears and just thinks she can do everything. She is a natural born leader always thinks once she is in the midst she should be in charge even if she allows you to be in charge its just for a little while. She asked me recently if I think she will be a good mom like me I told her most definitely she said well I want to wait a while so I said you have a long wait you need not worry about that stuff yet she said I know but I’m just thinking a head as I was to be a professional gymnastic athlete plus a designer not to mention I want to travel for a while. My baby 4’5 and is 98lbsSo there is a bit about my babies
So today is one of those days that a bill came in and I'm like saying oh hell to myself you know you have the bills that you can say that has to wait till next month or the next two week or just whatever you can just put it on the back burner for a bit. Then you got those bills you got to pay or else well today I got one that you pay or else. I'm gonna share something that some people just don't think about when they get a bill I trun to God and I said, God you see and know that this one has to be paid I have been asking them for time for several months now and they are now saying no more time, but ths item is needed so I need you to make a way out of no where you have done it for me b4 I so need it today
Being a single mom can be fun at time but there are many times that you will get up wishing you had that special person to help you when you don't feel like cooking or you don't feel like being the one to figure out how to pay that bill
Being a single mom can be fun at time but there are many times that you will get up wishing you had that special person to help you when you don't feel like cooking or you don't feel like being the one to figure out how to pay that bill
Thursday, June 10, 2010
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